Marking a special day

Picture sent to our Facebook page by Tina Penney‎: We may be in lockdown, but we show we care here in Scremerston.Picture sent to our Facebook page by Tina Penney‎: We may be in lockdown, but we show we care here in Scremerston.
Picture sent to our Facebook page by Tina Penney‎: We may be in lockdown, but we show we care here in Scremerston.
It says much for the spirit of Northumberland that, even under present conditions, the 75th anniversary of VE Day was not allowed to be forgotten.

The efforts of the generation who had it far harder than we do is as appreciated in 2020 as much as it ever was.

Residents across the county marked the anniversary last Friday with their own stay at home parties.

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Community leaders had encouraged people to still celebrate last Friday – as well as remember the sacrifice and dedication of millions, in uniform or out, during the Second World War – as long as it adhered to the coronavirus lockdown rules.

Lt Colonel Tom Fairfax, High Sheriff of Northumberland, played Battle's O'er and VE 75 years. Picture by Freddie Fairfax.Lt Colonel Tom Fairfax, High Sheriff of Northumberland, played Battle's O'er and VE 75 years. Picture by Freddie Fairfax.
Lt Colonel Tom Fairfax, High Sheriff of Northumberland, played Battle's O'er and VE 75 years. Picture by Freddie Fairfax.

Coun Ian Hutchinson, Civic Head of Northumberland County Council, said: “Remembering this war generation, with their resilience and determination, I am sure will help inspire today’s generation in these difficult times.”

Berwick-upon-Tweed Town Council broadcast via its website a reading of prayers by the Rev Canon Dennis Handley, a message from the Mayor, Coun Anne Forbes, and the playing of Flowers of the Forest by a local piper.

Lt Colonel Tom Fairfax, High Sheriff of Northumberland, was among the pipers from around the world who played the Retreat March ‘When the Battle's Over’ (also known as Battle's O'er) and a specially commissioned tune VE 75 years individually, but at the same time.

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Those who toasted the anniversary in the Berwick area included Rev Canon Alan Hughes, Chaplain to the High Sheriff.

He and wife Susan marked VE 75 afternoon in red, white and blue. He was wearing his Coldstream Guards tie, having joined Coldstream in 1963.