WATCH: North East mum warns of dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy

Libby with her adopted daughter.Libby with her adopted daughter.
Libby with her adopted daughter.
The adoptive mum of a toddler with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is calling on mums-to-be to give up alcohol altogether during pregnancy.

Her call came yesterday - on FASD Day- and just days after the UK’s Chief Medical Officers have confirmed official guidance that women who are pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant should avoid alcohol altogether if they want to keep the risks to their baby to a minimum.

FASD, which is estimated to affect 1 in 100 babies every year, is a series of preventable birth defects, both mental and physical, caused by drinking alcohol at any time during pregnancy. These defects only exist because of prenatal exposure to alcohol.

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Libby with her adopted daughter.Libby with her adopted daughter.
Libby with her adopted daughter.

Ssingle mum Libby, 34 and from the North East, has been living with the effects of FASD since her two-year-old adopted daughter, who cannot be named, came into her life just over a year ago.